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Root Canal vs Extraction | Gateway Family Dentist, TN

Cavities and tooth decay are the most common health problems in the world. A combination of frequent snacking, high intake of sugary food, and poor dental hygiene can cause the bacteria in your mouth to produce an acid that erodes the enamel.


When the infection reaches the pulp inside the tooth, a root canal and tooth extraction are the only reliable course of action. If left untreated at this stage, the cavity can spread to the roots and gums, severely damage the tooth and surrounding areas, and even result in life-threatening abscesses.


Unfortunately, 9% to 20% of adults avoid going to the dentist because of dental anxiety and fear. Understanding the treatment options for tooth decay might help ease your dental phobia. Read on to learn about the pros and cons of root canals and tooth extractions to decide what's best for you.

The Difference Between Root Canal and Tooth Extraction

Whether you opt for a root canal or extraction depends on if you want to save the infected tooth or let it go. Based on the degree of damage to the tooth, your dentist might suggest one of these two options.

Root Canal

Root canal treatment aims to save the infected tooth and reduce the chances of reinfection. Your dentist or orthodontist will use an x-ray to determine the extent of the infection and the number of teeth infected.


As part of the treatment, your doctor will drill a hole to remove the infected pulp from inside the damaged tooth and fill the area with antibiotics. After cleaning and disinfecting, they will fill the tooth and seal it using gutta-percha. After the procedure, your dentist will remove the temporary filling and restore your tooth to full function.


The entire procedure is performed under local anesthesia. You might experience pain and discomfort after the treatment, but it can be managed with antibiotics.


It is usually done when the infection extends below the gumline and compromises the tooth’s structure. In these cases, there is no choice but to remove the affected tooth from the socket to protect your overall dental health.


Local anesthesia is used to numb the area throughout the entire procedure. So, you won’t feel any pain while the doctor pulls out the damaged tooth using a special tool. Though, you might feel some pain after the procedure. Your dentist will usually prescribe over-the-counter pain relievers to help manage any discomfort.


Pros vs. Cons of Root Canal and Tooth Extraction

Benefits of Root Canal

●      As the treatment removes the bacteria in the tooth cavity, it reduces the spread of infection to neighboring teeth and improves overall dental health.

●      The last step in a root canal procedure is fitting your tooth with a crown or dental filling that matches your original color. This not only restores your tooth’s functionality but also enhances your beautiful smile.

●      You also don’t have to worry about a missing tooth or a gap between your teeth.

●      It saves your natural tooth and prevents the deterioration of the jawbone.

Benefits of Extraction

An infection in one tooth can rapidly spread to the other teeth affecting. By removing the problem itself, dental extraction not only reduces pain and discomfort but also protects the health of the oral cavity.

Side Effects of Root Canal

Though root canals have a success rate of 86% to 98%, cleaning out the inside of your tooth can be tricky. If the procedure is not done correctly, it can damage the enamel. Sometimes the dentist can miss a canal, making it impossible to completely remove the infected pulp.


If you suffer from severe pain at the treatment area for more than a few days, notice any visible swelling, or if any of the symptoms from before the treatment return, inform your doctor immediately.


To decrease any complications from the root canal treatment, it is vital to choose a skilled dentist or orthodontist who has lots of experience performing root canals.

Side Effects of Tooth Extraction

After dental extractions, there is an empty space in your mouth that can increase your chance of infection. If a blood clot does not naturally form in your empty socket post tooth extraction, it can result in a condition called dry socket, which leaves the exposed bone vulnerable to bacteria. If this happens, your dentist will put a sedative dressing over it until a new clot forms.


A gap in the dental cavity also exposes your jawbone and causes complications for the teeth around it. They might start getting weak or shift around the oral cavity resulting in overcrowding and misalignment. So, it’s essential to consult with your doctor about dental implants before tooth extraction.


Tooth extraction might seem like a less expensive and easier option compared to root canals which can cost between $500 to $1,500 and above. But, if you factor in the cost of treating realignments, bridges, and dental implants, extractions might cost more in the long run. On the other hand, root canals are usually a long-lasting solution to tooth decay.

Why a Root Canal Is the Better Option

When it comes to preserving your natural tooth or removing it, most dental professionals recommend the former. Though with recent developments in dentistry, a missing tooth can be easily replaced, it will never be the same as your natural tooth.


Also, extraction together with subsequent dental procedures like implants and bridges take a lot longer to heal than root canals. However, it is important to note that extractions might be your only option in some severe cases.

When Is an Extraction Necessary

Severe infections in the wisdom tooth, irreparable damage to the roots caused by tooth decay, overcrowding, accidents, and gum diseases are some of the instances where extraction might be your only option.




If you suffer from severe toothache or suspect you have cavities, schedule an appointment with the experienced dental healthcare professionals at Gateway Family Dentistry. Our staff will work with you to figure out whether root canals or extractions are the right options for you. We’d love to hear from you and help you take care of your beautiful smile, so contact us today!

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