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Sedation Dentistry in Murfreesboro, TN

Can Sedation Dentistry Make You More Comfortable at the Dentist?

Fear of going to the dentist is extremely common. After all, many dental procedures are characterized as loud, scary and extremely painful. 

Fortunately, dental science and techniques have come a long way since the days of uncomfortable or frightening dentist visits. For dentists specializing in sedation dentistry, patient comfort is an important goal of treatment. Dr. Rachel Erwin in Murfreesboro, Tennessee is proud to offer pain-free sedation dentistry for patients with dental phobias or sensitivities. 

Here’s what you should know about sedation dentistry in Murfreesboro, TN.

Sedation Dentistry Helps With Pain and Anxiety

An estimated 60-80 percent of Americans experience some form of fear or anxiety when visiting the dentist. This can lead to uncomfortable and even traumatizing experiences in the dentist’s chair. Even worse is that many people with dental phobia avoid going to the dentist entirely. 

Fortunately, it’s no longer necessary to grin and bear it when it comes to dental pain, fear and anxiety, thanks to sedation dentistry.

Sedation dentistry utilizes certain medications to help patients feel at ease during otherwise stressful dental procedures.

Prior to dental treatment, Dr. Erwin talks with each patient to understand any anxiety or fear the patient may have regarding the procedure. When making a recommendation on sedation, Dr. Erwin considers the patient’s medical history and pain and anxiety reduction goals. She then recommends a method of sedation that will work for them. 

Sedation Dentistry Helps With Pain and Anxiety

Some people have intense anxiety and fear at the dentist, while others experience a milder level of discomfort. Sedation dentistry works for a variety of people because the levels of sedation used vary. 

Different types of sedation used in sedation dentistry: 
  • Oral sedation medication (a pill)
  • Nitrous oxide
  • IV sedation medication and general anesthesia
Oral sedation is the least invasive option for dental fear and anxiety. Your dentist will prescribe you a sedative medication that you will take thirty minutes to an hour before your dental procedure. Some of the most common medications prescribed as oral sedatives are diazepam (Valium) and lorazepam (Ativan). Oral sedation is considered minimal sedation. You will still be conscious and will remember most of the procedure, but your anxiety will be lowered and you will feel more relaxed. 

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas or inhaled minimal sedation, is another option for sedation dentistry. The gas is administered to the patient immediately prior to a dental procedure or treatment, inducing a relaxed, sometimes sleepy feeling. Most patients remain awake under the effects of nitrous oxide and can offer feedback on their pain levels. Tyically, the effect of the gas wears off quickly enough that patients can drive immediately following their procedure. 

IV moderate sedation involves sedative drugs being injected through a vein. The effect of the medication is immediate. While you won’t be unconscious during IV moderate sedation, your breathing may be affected. If so, you may be given oxygen to ensure regular breathing. 

General anesthesia induces complete unconsciousness via a sedative medication, typically administered through a mask, tube or intravenous infusion. Because you’re being “put to sleep,” there are health risks associated with general anesthesia, such as an irregular heartbeat and issues with blood pressure. Because of these risks, general anesthesia is typically reserved for patients who have extreme dental anxiety or who are undergoing extremely painful procedures.  

In addition sedation medications, the majority of dental procedures use local anesthetic to numb the mouth. The amount of anesthetic required will vary from patient to patient. 

Choose Pain-Free Dentistry You Can Trust

Gateway Family Dentistry is one of Murfreesboro’s only dental offices that specialize in sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry can help you take charge of your oral health without anxiety, pain or fear. 

Contact Gateway Family Dentistry today to schedule your appointment with us. 

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